How To Improve Email Deliverability & How To Avoid Emails Going To Spam

How To Improve Email Deliverability & How To Avoid Emails Going To Spam post thumbnail image

Everyone hates spam emails.  I know even with spam filters, spam still gets into my inbox. Going through my email and deleting those unwanted emails is so annoying and feels like a time waste.  But what if it’s your business emails that are ending up in spam? Or worse, being blocked and un-delivered?  How do we address this and make sure our legitimate business emails are being delivered?

At the time of this podcast’s release, Google and Yahoo are setting stricter requirements for bulk email senders that can affect your emails reaching your users. In this episode, we will be talking about email deliverability, what it is, why it is so important, how to ensure better deliverability and how to stay up on the current rules.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why online businesses are required by email providers such as Google & Yahoo to have advanced email set ups such as DKIM, SPF, and DMARC.
  • The risks of spam, spoofing, and phishing to both your users and your online business.
  • What factors play into email deliverability that can determine whether your business emails will end up spam or be blocked by email providers.
  • What Google and Yahoo’s upcoming requirements for bulk email senders are.
  • The importance of staying up to date on requirements, even if they won’t affect you just yet.
  • Next steps that you can take to start setting yourself up for better email deliverability and compliance!

Next Steps 

Check if you are compliant with current email provider requirements.

Use the following tools below to see your domain’s email reputation as well as security compliance.

Grab a pen and paper or open a digital document and list out all of the applications that send emails through your domain.

Some examples could be:

  • Email service provider, like Aweber, ConvertKit*, MailChimp, Flowdesk, etc
  • CRMs
  • Ecommerce and Web applications such as Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify, Kajabi, WordPress, etc.
  • Etc.

Look through each of your applications to see how to comply with email requirements.

Each application can be a bit different, but often times, they provide documentation on how to make sure you are compliant with their software tools. For some of you, this may be easy if you only have a handful of applications sending emails for you. For others, it may be harder the more applications you have, or if you are juggling multiple domains.

Have your tech provider help you through this process or, if you don’t have someone competent in email services, feel free to drop us an email at or connect on social!

Other Resources 

Google’s 2024 Email Sender Guidelines –

Downloadable Resource – Email Deliverability Checklist

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