Don’t Go Live Without It: The Essential Guide to Effective Website Testing for Business Owners 

Don’t Go Live Without It: The Essential Guide to Effective Website Testing for Business Owners  post thumbnail image

Ever experienced the panic of discovering major website issues after going live? We’ve been there too! 

Join us in this episode as we share a cautionary tale of a client who skipped the crucial step of website testing, resulting in last-minute changes and costly mistakes. We’ll reveal the importance of thoroughly testing your site to ensure it accurately reflects your brand and meets your goals. 

As the business owner, you have a unique perspective on your website, and you know your customers best. That’s why it’s vital to take an active role in testing, even if you have a developer on board. We’ll guide you through the essential areas to consider, from defining your main website goals to using clear language. Plus, we’re providing a handy website testing checklist in our show notes to help you audit your site effectively.  

Tune in to say goodbye to embarrassing errors and hello to a polished, professional online presence. 

In this episode you will learn: 

  • Why testing is an important part of launching new features and content on your website 
  • How to decide what to test and how long to test before going live. 
  • Some key tests that you should run when making sure your website is ready for launch! 

Mentioned Resources: 

Website Testing How to Test your Website Guide

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